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About The Writer

Just An Artist Passionate About Empowering Other Artists.

Hey, I'm Bandrew.

I'm a credit and funding consultant for thousands of start-up and established business owners across the country.

But my expertise doesn't stop at funding.

I have been silently practicing a passion for music my entire entrepreneurial career, and I'm not gonna be shy about it any longer.

Along my journey, I connected with people who were ready to take their music to the next level and showed them some of the skills I learned creating brands, services, and communities such as:

High Level Networking
Leadership Skills
& Of Course, Startup Funding

Turned out that it works.

Now I'm here to help people like you; Rappers with passion and drive to impact people through your music all while making a damn good living doing it.

Because music is changing the world, we just have to show up and share the right message.

I also know that understanding the inner workings of one's "Self" and the universe is crucial to achieving lasting success.

This isn't just about money.

It's about impact.

Whether I'm speaking on stage, sharing insights on social media, or guiding someone through the funding process, my goal remains the same:

To remind you that YOU ARE the creator of your reality.

Its time to un-cover the hidden talent.

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